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Hikutavake tower replacement project on track

Hikutavake tower replacement project on track

Hikutavake tower replacement project on track

Telecom Niue will be working on upgrading its current infrastructure over the next few years to bring in cutting edge technology for the people of Niue.

Good news is on the way to our customers in Hikutavake. Telecom Niue is on track to begin the replacement of its telecommunication tower with a new one. A brand new 45 tower will be installed in the coming months to replace the existing tower which had been damaged and is not suitable for operations. This new tower would help improve the coverage for Hikutavake and adjoining villages. In addition, the bigger tower space will help in additional equipment mounting when Telecom Niue will move towards introducing 5G services on the island.

The project is likely to kick off by mid-April and completed by end-June. Customers will face some outages or reduction in services during the period that the old tower is pulled down and the new tower comes up. Telecom Niue will endeavor to minimize the outages so that our customers face minimal interruptions.

Telecom Niue will be working on upgrading its current infrastructure over the next few years to bring in cutting edge technology for the people of Niue.


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